Awaken in a Garbage Scowl... posted in OHC182 on Apr 05, 2012 play_arrow bassline is from Space Quest 3, when you are trapped in a automated garbage freighter. play_arrow file_download
Lazy day on Empty salt flat posted in OHC180 on Mar 22, 2012 play_arrow a very desolate tune, I need to get better at this... play_arrow file_download
Atop a lonely Mountain posted in OHC178 on Mar 08, 2012 play_arrow Started to make something interesting, but then it didn't work out, so... solo piano! play_arrow file_download
Stormy Triforce posted in OHC173 on Feb 02, 2012 play_arrow Second entry, still a little rushed, but the workflow is getting better, definitely better than my last track... play_arrow file_download
Lots 'o' Flange posted in OHC172 on Jan 26, 2012 play_arrow First Entry here, I'm not that good at guitar (yet) but it was the easiest instrument to lay down tracks with, so it's the only recorded instrument, drums are sampled with Mdrummer. play_arrow file_download