One Hour Compo - Round 431 (OHC431)

Votes (4)

Jan 12, 2017 Arcana
  1. Everything Turns to Grey
  2. Wallet Album from an Unknown Body
  3. Bipolar Pinterest Board
Also NickC and MisaelK. Thanks everyone
Jan 12, 2017 Koekepan
  1. Fuck You Winter
  2. Bipolar Pinterest Board
  3. Everything Turns to Grey
Very tough round.

Arcana would have placed much higher with clearer sound design, and somehow MisaelK's wobbles didn't quite work for me.

However, NickC, obScene and Random-storykeeper all had interesting takes on the topic. NickC had a lot of good design and energy, whereas obScene's ending was rather abrupt and while Random-storykeeper's wrap-up was Ok, the progression sometimes felt a tiny bit strained.
Jan 19, 2017 Random-storykeeper
  1. Whiteness In The Soil
  2. Bipolar Pinterest Board
  3. Jarski's theme
1) "Whiteness In The Soil" - Those pads really pump out the atmosphere. The bell sounds bring out the winter mood. Love the chord changes, too.

2) "Bipolar Pinterest Board" - Dang, this is good chiptune, piano and drums, etc. Even though you didn't see the "winter" theme at first, you managed to capture it near perfect - focusing on different aspects of each of the pictures. I wish it had a more conclusive end, that's all.

3) "Jarski's theme" - I love this and I want to hear more of this stuff from dusthillguy. dhg running notes ftw


Also would have liked to vote for jarski, had it not been a bonus entry.
Jan 19, 2017 obScene
  1. Wallet Album from an Unknown Body
  2. Whiteness In The Soil
  3. Everything Turns to Grey
So apparently the theme was winter