Dragon's Fear

posted in OHC301 on Jul 17, 2014
a dragon who is afraid to fly finds his village abandoned, he must search the skies to find what has happened to his fellow dragons

(Bonus)Radical Dreamers DnB mix

posted in MnP11 on Feb 23, 2014
An experiment from some time ago, for some reason I thought it would be a good idea to sample radical dreamers and layer a bunch of other crap on top of it. It was a fun learning experience anyway, I don't usually do anything like this

The hollow simplicity is much of what makes the original so good, adding busier elements can detract, my real entry will have to consider this. idk what actual subgenre this would be but the drums and bass are the main additions anyway, the other elements I added would be just as well being deleted

Fight With Planet Devourer

posted in OHC237 on Apr 25, 2013
FL11 test, (temporarily) sharing the flp, might try to do more host only stuff in the future if anyone actually wants my shitty project files :)

Votes (4)
Round Date
OHC302 Jul 27, 2014
OHC300 Jul 15, 2014
OHC274 Jan 12, 2014
OHC268 Nov 28, 2013