Late Freestyle beat

posted in OHC420 on Oct 27, 2016
I tried to record a freestyle rap instead of mess with chords but I couldn't get it to really work on time.... here's a beat that works pretty well for freestyles, I was like "I freestyle in the day freestyle in the night, bring my freestyle to a knife fight" and I thought that was a good one. Microphones old and messed up though it just wasn't happening.

to hell and back II

posted in OHC188 on May 17, 2012
this is all I had time for. missed about 50 minutes of compo. this songs about how sometimes you can go to hell and sometimes, you'll come back. this is about the second time that happened

jolly mtn. romp

posted in OHC178 on Mar 08, 2012
You venture into a ppleasant mountainous snowscape but get killed by a yeti. and that's just the way the avalanche crumbles!!! ice to meet you. I feel like all my ohc stuff inevitably gets tritely symbolic, here is a good example . the dissonant part represents mad yeti carnage

A Suburban Safari

posted in OHC175 on Feb 16, 2012
You are going to work. Here's the part where you have to dodge pedestrians. Stress time!! Work is difficult too. Suburbia is treating you bad.
-Young Man in Suburbia

Welcome Back

posted in OHC162 on Nov 17, 2011
An attempt at a concept song. There's a motif that represents a stranger that is immediately enmeshed in a jarring, fast-paced, ugly environment. Thus the stranger slowly fades, leaves. The motif returns in a comfortably slow environment, one that has chord progression that is much more conducive to harmony. The stranger has come home, and is no longer strange. I don't know if this worked at all. I'm pretty blazed yo
Votes (3)
Round Date
OHC178 Mar 08, 2012
OHC172 Jan 26, 2012
OHC159 Oct 30, 2011